
Add Community

Please fill out this form to submit a community application. This is a great way to grow bitcoin adoption in your area, have some fun, and maybe even make some friends along the way.


  • bitcoin-only
  • must be a geographical area not a single point
  • be willing to take ownership of your local mapping data
  • try to onboard new businesses in your area

Search for an area and select an option from the results.

We will use the avatar from your social link or the country's flag your community is located in if an icon is not provided.

If you want the ability to receive sats you can add either a Lightning Address or LNURL-pay string.

You need to provide at least one method for people to join your community.

A way to get in touch with the community leader if we have any questions.

Is this community part of an organization? Would you like to be associated with a specific language? Etc.